Jul 25, 2019
This show, originally aired in 2005, shows how maturity transformed the popular comedian by enabling him to use comedy both for laughter and for more serious purposes, including the improvement of his own life.
Jul 18, 2019
My guest on this episode is NASA astronaut, Col. Jerry Ross. We discuss his astronaut career, what records he holds as an astronaut, the pure joy he experienced doing his first space walk, and his book, " Spacewalker: My Journey in Space and Faith as NASA's Record-Setting Frequent Flyer ".
Jul 11, 2019
Former Major League baseball player Tommy John, who pitched for the Yankees and the Dodgers among other teams, is my guest. We discuss the reasons for his success, his longevity (he pitched for 26 years!), his surgery (now called “Tommy John surgery”), his son Travis’ serious injury, and the importance of having a...
Jul 4, 2019
My guest is a mentalist who has been astonishing and perplexing audiences for decades. We discuss his career, some of the unique experiences he’s had when he first knew he had special talents, and some of the twists and turns he’s encountered.