Feb 24, 2022
This archived show, originally airing in 1995, features one of the first and most legendary fitness experts of all time. At the time of this taping, he was 80 years old, and still exercising two and a half hours each day. We discuss his career, his feelings about exercise, and his book, “Revitalize Your Life After...
Feb 17, 2022
My guest, Mel Carter, is perhaps best known for one song, “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,” but he’s had many hits and is still writing new music. We discuss his lengthy career, his love for performing, the difficulties he has encountered in his career, and much more.
Feb 10, 2022
My guest is a senior healthcare executive and CEO of the National Health Council. We discuss his passion for healthcare advocacy, his vision for healthcare enhancement in the future, the role that the National Health Council has been and will be playing in healthcare advancement, and much more.
Feb 3, 2022
My guest is an actress, model, and now author, the writer of the new book “Breaking the Mold.” We discuss her upbringing, how she’s dealt with many life adversities, how her spirit has led to her success, and much more.